Ina kei te mohio koe ko wai koe, I anga mai koe i hea,

kei te mohio koe. Kei te anga atu ki hea

If you know who you are and where you are from,

then you will know where you are going.

Māori Proverb

Update from the Building
Committee Chair

Kia ora,

At the end of 2023, we received news from Bishop Michael that we could restart the “Building Towards our Future” project.

So early this year we reconnected with the architecture firm Ignite Architects who we had identified in 2023 as being our preferred architects.

Selection of the architecture firm, was not an easy exercise as Christchurch is truly blessed by the quality, expertise and passion that exist amongst the various architecture firms.

Ignite have commenced the initial work of looking at the site and are working on developing a Master Plan for the site, to look at how this site could be developed which meets the needs of our Parish now and into the future.

The Master Plan is a critical early phase where we have to work with number of different parties to ensure we have common agreement and approval for what is proposed.

There is no doubt that undertaking a project like this, will come at a significant cost, we will have to carefully build a financial model to ensure that  it is affordable and achievable.

Any significant project like this will mean that there will be some tough decisions and we may have to make compromises as we go.

We acknowledge that everyone in the parish, needs to be kept informed, and we will continue to lift our communications as we progress, which we will do in different forms so we can reach out to as many of you as possible.

A project like this will require, more people to come involved and we have started the planning around the types of sub-committees we will need to establish as we progess.

We are seeking those who are actively or have been actively involved in the construction industry within our parish and the Diocese of Christchurch, to be part of an Expert Panel.

As a Building Committee we ask for your prayers and support as we seek the blessings and wisdom of Christ our Redeemer so that we can deliver positive outcomes for this beautiful Parish.

God Bless,

Robert de Roo

St Matthew’s Church Deconstruction

St Matthew’s Church is being prepared for deconstruction. We have handed the building across to Taggart’s who are the contractor managing the project for us.

Asbestos removal and clearance is taking place from now through into January.

The hard demolition will take place from end of January until mid February.

Building Towards our Future

Presenting the Visionary Master Plan

Click the image to download the document

Building Towards our Future

Updates from the Building Committee

April 2024

Presentation Update to the Parish on the weekend of the 13 & 14 April.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our vision for the Catholic Parish of Christchurch North is of a missionary parish bringing people to come to know Jesus Christ personally, helping them grow as disciples, and going out to others with the Gospel message.

    The Building Committee asks the question: How do we translate this vision into a design brief for our Church and Pastoral Community Centre?

  • To establish a vibrant Catholic missionary precinct in North Christchurch that serves as a spiritual and educational epicentre for our parish by fostering a united and inclusive community.

    We will achieve this Mission by;

    • developing a timeless Catholic Church,

    • establishing parish facilities to enable and grow our missionary, spiritual and educational focus,

    • purposefully engaging with our parish, our parish schools, our communities, and diocese,

    • taking an inter-generational and multi-cultural approach

  • The scope of the Building Committee includes the following:

    • Demolition or retention of existing buildings

    • Design and construction of new buildings

    • Handover / commissioning of the buildings to the parish

    • Sale of existing properties / buildings

    • Defining a design process

    • Managing the timeline and budget, including managing fundraising

    • Managing reporting lines and communication lines with the following:

      • Diocesan Office

      • Parish Leadership Team

      • School Leaders

      • Parish & Parish Groups

  • St Joseph's Parish Centre will be considered as part of the overall development plan for the site.  The Visionary Master Plan has been developed to allow us to retain the building and for it to be used.  The building doesn't provide all the functionality that was identified during the consultation process, but as it is a building that exists it does provide us with an ability to stage our development

  • Every year, each parish does a Mass count in August. We have a very clear picture of the past and current numbers when it comes to Mass attendance across the three parishes that came together in the north. We will also (with support from the Diocese) undertake research into our parish demographics and likely areas of residential growth.

    Because of the Bishop’s intention that we gather as a community in one Church on a Sunday, our current Mass count figures and future aspirations for growth are factors in the Bishop’s decision to build one new Church in our Parish. Our current three churches are too small for our combined congregation and future aspiration.

    Two of the three Churches require substantial further strengthening and repair, and all of our Churches are over 50 years old - this too is a factor in the Bishop’s decision to build a new Church.

  • The Parish is going to establish a fundraising committee to assist with the process. This group will be separate to, but work in with, the building committee. There will also be a funding framework between the Diocese and Parish. The final setup of this is yet to be fully determined and is partly a function of the estimated development cost that will be established after the master planning and concept design work.

    Gifting from parishioners - either up front or over a period of years- and the sale of other land and buildings will contribute to the funding.

  • The exact outcome for these churches is yet to be finalised but they are to be part of the overall planning as we look to centralise our activities around a vibrant and exciting hub. There will be a mix of land and asset sales required to support the Parish aspirations. As this becomes more definitive the plans will be shared with the Parish.

  • The Decree of De-consecration of St. Matthew’s Church, which was issued on July 26, 2024, to relegate St. Matthew’s from being a sacred space, has been confirmed by Bishop Michael. The Building Committee is now in the process of starting the work to have the church building brought down.

    Regarding St. Matthew’s Parish Hall, the Building Committee will be commencing discussions with the Diocese Catholic Education Office and St. Patrick’s School to transfer the Hall into their care. Currently, the school has the operational management of the Parish Hall.

  • The Christchurch City Council has issued a statement indicating that the church is earthquake prone in its current state.  This does not apply to the Pastoral Centre.

    Decisions regarding Christ the King Church will be made as part of the overall development planning and costing work for a new Church on the Papanui site to determine what a staged or long-term solution looks like for the parish community.

    Feasibility around what is the best long term solution for the Parish will take into account Christ the King Church and the cost it would take to return the building to a safe state for use by the Parish.

    Conversations between the parish, school, and diocese will continue as we look towards the future of Christ the King Church, Pastoral Centre, and Christ the King Presbytery.

Have questions or thoughts?

Robert de Roo (Chair)

We would love to hear from you!