A Call to Give
A Challenge to Stewardship
Each Sunday, around 1,100 people come together in our parish to worship, pray, and receive the Eucharist. But our parish is more than just Sunday Mass—it is alive every day of the week. From sacramental preparation to pastoral care, youth ministry to formation programs, our parish is a place of faith, growth, and service. Monday to Saturday, our pastoral centres, office, and meeting spaces are filled with ministries that teach, support, and care for our community. None of this would be possible without the financial support of our parishioners.
First and foremost, we want to express our deepest gratitude to those who give generously to sustain the mission of our parish. Your financial support enables us to celebrate the sacraments, serve those in need, maintain our facilities, and grow as a faith community. Thank you for your commitment to ensuring our parish remains a place of worship, welcome, and service for all.
Every gift to Christ the Redeemer Parish helps us celebrate the sacraments, run vital ministries, care for those in need, and maintain our parish facilities. Your generosity ensures that our parish remains a place of worship, formation, and community for generations to come.
By contributing to our Planned Giving Programme, you are supporting not only our parish but also the wider Church, as one-third of all planned giving contributions go directly to the Diocesan Clergy Trust Fund, helping to sustain our priests across the Diocese. Below are ways in which you can give.
Together, we can ensure that our parish remains a place where faith is nurtured, service is lived, and Christ is at the centre of all we do.
Paywave (Contactless)
Credit Card (Online)
In the foyer of St Gregory’s Church you will find an EFTPOS Machine that takes contactless donations. You will be able to use your cards and phone (if they support payWave).
Please note that no receipt will be issued if you are making donations via payWave.
To make a donation online via credit card, click here. We are able to issue receipts for Credit Card Donations
Donations & Planned Giving
Planned Giving - Envelopes
If you would like to donate using Planned Giving Envelopes please contact the office. A set of envelopes is issued each financial year (1 April – 31 March). You will receive a tax receipt at the end of each financial year, and you will be able to claim back 33% on all donations to the parish.
Please contact Wilma via email to organise your envelopes.
Planned Giving -
Automatic Payments
Please go to your online banking platform to set this up (or make contact with your local bank branch).
Our details are:
Account Name: Christchurch North Parish
Account No: 03 1592 0207367 20
Ref Code: ‘PG & Name (Surname & Initial)
Please contact Wilma via email if you are not registered with the parish so we can get your details in order to send you the tax receipt.
If you prefer to regularly donate via cash, you are able to place this in the collection basket during our Sunday Masses.
With cash placed in the collection basket during our Sunday Masses, we are unable to issue a receipt so we encourage you donate via Envelopes, Automatic Payment or via Credit Card online as we are able to issue receipts for you to claim back the 33% at the end of the financial year.
A Legacy of Faith
Remembering Christ the Redeemer Parish in your Will provides an ideal opportunity to make a statement of your faith and to give resources that will support your Church for years to come.
If you would like to talk to us about leaving a bequest to our parish, please contact the Parish Office by phone (03) 359 1438 or by email finance@christchurchnorth.org.nz

“Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:6-8