Christ the Redeemer Chronicle

The Weekly Bulletin of the Catholic Parish of Christ the Redeemer


2 March

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9 March

1st Sunday of Lent

16 March

2nd Sunday of Lent

23 March

3rd Sunday of Lent

30 March

4th Sunday of Lent


2 February

The Presentation of the Lord

9 February

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

16 February

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

23 February

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ministry Sunday


19 January

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

26 January

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


25 December

Christmas Booklet


3 November

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

10 November

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

17 November

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

24 November

Solemnity of Christ the King

Need to place a notice in our Parish Bulletin?

Use the following form to send us a message.

Please note that the publication of notices in the Parish Bulletin are at the subject of the Parish Priest as our space is very limited. Priority are given to parish events.

These are to be received by Thursday 9am.