Upcoming Masses in our Schools

All are welcome to join the students and staff for Mass!

Mon, 24 March: 9am - St Patrick’s Mass, St Patrick’s School Hall - Jeffreys Road

Wed, 26 March: 9am - Christ the King Class Mass, Christ the King Pastoral Centre - Greers Road

Wed 26 March: 9:15am - St Joseph’s Class Mass, St Joseph’s Pastoral Centre - Vagues Road

Wed, 26 March: 1:05pm - St Bede’s College Mass, St Bede’s College Chapel - Main North Road

Fri, 28 March: 9am - St Albans Catholic, School Chapel - entry off Somme Street

Click here
for our Lent and Easter Timetable

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Sunday Masses:
Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm & 6pm
Sunday: 8am & 10am

Weekday Masses:
Monday - Friday: 7am & 9:15am (No 7am Mass on Public Holidays)
Tuesdays & Thursdays: Noon
Saturdays: 9:15am

Wednesdays: 6 pm - 7 pm
Saturdays: 9:45am - 10:45am [ or by request ]

Sunday Mass:
Sunday: 9am, 11am & 5pm

Car parking for the Chapel for Sunday Mass is accessed via Momorangi Crescent.

Weekday Mass:
Wednesdays, 1:05pm (during term time)

Access to the chapel via the Main Entrance on Main North Road for Weekday Mass.

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Due to the building being earthquake prone, the Church is now closed. However, the pastoral centre and the St Augustine Bookstore are not affected.

Masses are now celebrated at St Gregory’s Church or St Bede’s College Chapel.

Please read the following letter from Monsignor Rick.


Our Mass Centres


Christ the King Church

90 Greers Road
Burnside, Christchurch


St Gregory’s Church

26 Cotswold Avenue
Bishopdale, Christchurch


St Bede’s College Chapel

210 Main North Road
Redwood, Christchurch