On Sunday, 15 October our Parish will participate in its very rewarding third contribution to a meal to numerous challenged persons of our community.
We need to provide a main meal and a dessert for approximately 90+ persons and have approximately 10 persons to serve the food and wash up. This is a suitable task for high school students, but less so for younger folk. The meal commences at 5.30pm and finishes at 7pm latest.
food needs to be delivered to Aldersgate Church, 309 Durham St at 5pm. If you could please provide a meat, pasta, or chicken dish, veggie dish, also a dessert such as a fruit crumble, would be very much appreciated.
Meals are best cooked in aluminium disposable dishes. To offer your help or want further information email John Dooley (coordinator) at helenjohndooley@hotmail.com or text 021 908 130.