Children & Families
There are many families in our parish with young children and love having them involved in our Sunday Celebrations. An example of how our young families might get involved is our Children’s Liturgy where they break open the Gospel on their level during the 10am Mass at St Gregory’s, and the 11am Mass at Christ the King on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month during term time.
We especially invite our families to our Family Masses celebrated at 9am at Christ the King Church.
We believe that an important part of this faith and life journey is for them to be empowered to use their gifts in serving others, and in leadership. We aim to engage them in the life of the Church, not just in the future, but now!
Young Adults
Our young adults community is still a work in progress but we invite anyone aged 18 - 30 to come and hang as a small group..
Like our youth groups, it’s a community where we can explore our faith.
No matter where you are on your journey, we’d love you to come and hang out!
Older Generation
Our older generation are the backbone of our community. They have passed the faith on to the younger generation and continuously keep them, and our parish, in prayer.
Many are retired so are able to give their time to help the community through service, such as volunteering with the St Vincent de Paul.We also have opportunities for our older generation to come together for various activites.
Don't fit an any of these groups?
If you don’t fit in any of these groups, don’t worry! We couldn’t list every group on this page - if we did, it’d be a huge list.
You are very much welcome in our parish community. No matter your age, race or background, you are welcome to be part of any of our groups.
To find out what these groups are, click the button below.