“…I will love, and honour you, all the days of my life.”

Being faithful to the teaching of Jesus Christ, we believe that marriage is:

  • Exclusive

  • Permanent

  • Life Giving

  • Between a man and a woman

Marriage mirrors the faithful love of God for his people.

At your wedding you will make a commitment to love each other for better or worse, in sickness and in health. Thus the decision you make to marry is a very important one, because it is a life-long commitment.

The preparation, the forms to complete and the ceremony all assist the couple to prepare for and appreciate what it is they are doing. With God’s grace, their bond of love is blessed and strengthened.

(Taken from the ‘Preparing for Your Wedding in the Catholic Church’ pamphlet)

Marriage Preparation.

Marriage preparation is a process to help you and your fiancé prepare for married life. Just like having a healthy diet helps prevent you getting sick, and recover more quickly when you do, marriage preparation is the same for your relationship. Studies have shown that couples who do good quality marriage preparation have a lower rate of divorce and better relationship resilience when hard times inevitably come.

Moreover, Catholic marriage (Matrimony) comes with additional obligations. It’s important that you understand these before you commit to them.

(taken from the Smart Loving website - https://smartloving.org/)

In our Parish, those preparing for marriage are taken through the Smart Loving programme - an online based programme with regular catch ups with a sponsor couple.

The cost of this excellent programme is paid directly to SmartLoving - currently $170AUD.

Interesting in getting married in the Catholic Church?

Please get in touch with one of the priests to chat about it, or message our Pastoral Coordinator using the form.

(03) 359 1438