Lent Activities for our Young People.

  • Lent Challenges Checklist

    How many of these challenges can you tick off during Lent? Download the checklist and see what how many you can do with the family.

    You’ll need the Lenten Wheel - so make sure you get Mum or Dad to download that too

  • Lenten Wheel

    Once you’ve downloaded the Lent Challenges Checklist - download the Lenten Wheel.

    All you need to do is take photos of you completing some of the challenges and stick them onto your Lenten Wheel, and send it in once you’ve finished - either email, or drop it into the Parish Office.

  • Video Reflections

    Check out some of the video reflections that our priests and staff film for our students in our Catholic Schools.

    You might want to watch a Lent Reflection and then you can tick off one of the Lenten Challenges! :)